温暖冬靴15 16 shirt+pants Real Madrid home official_/女装/流行女装_快乐DJ

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15 16 shirt+pants Real Madrid home official

15 16 shirt+pants Real Madrid home official

商品名称:15 16 shirt+pants Real Madrid home official



店铺名称: 一二服装城

旺旺: 忘不了小道理


行业: /女装/流行女装



This shopallthe oldparagraphnumber printingnewuniforms,theuniform for thenewnumbernumber.

----- Note:
1.We offer the best quality jerseys and the most competitive prices.
2.We accept the order of the mixed product.
3.When you purchase, please let us clear orders (including the player's
name, number, color, size).
4.With their shirt sponsor logo, if you need more detailed pictures,
please send me a message!
5.If you need a wholesale business, we have more price advantage ,
Chat or e-mail to contact us.

名称/Name】:15 16 RealMadrid home Jerseys;

【等级/Grade】:AAA+ quality;



Size: S, Height: 165cm-170cm, Weight: 50kg---68kg


Size: M, Height: 170cm-175cm, Weight: 68kg---78kg

Size: L, Height: 175cm-180cm, Weight: 75kg---83kg

Size: XL, Height: 180cm-185cm, Weight: 80kg---90kg

Maintenance Note:

1. Where a number or a stamping stamping LOGO shirt, do not put in washing machine washing and dehydration, use hand wash. Do not use detergent or soak water for a long time, do not rub against the number of LOGO position.

2. drying jersey number when you do not face the sun exposure, true way is to turn the shirt to dry. This is conducive to maintenance of numbers.

3. usually do not wear uniforms when to hang up clothes as possible to avoid the number of impairment. Try not to fold for storage.

广东江门 ID321315 :

广东肇庆 ID858375 :

西藏阿里 ID376338 :
很棒的15 16 shirt+pants Real Madrid home official,很好的服务,谢谢。  


A:实物图是指本件商品本身的实拍图。 以下情况不算实物图:其他品牌物品图片、同款官网图、杂志图、或者其他网站所刊载的效果图等。 商品主图必须是实物图。 特殊类目包含:女装/女士精品、男装、孕妇装、童装/亲子装、童鞋/亲子鞋、厨房/烹饪用具、餐饮具、收纳整理、家庭/个人清洁工具、居家日用、节庆用品/礼品、尿片/洗护/喂哺/推车床、洗护清洁剂/卫生巾/纸/香薰、箱包皮具/热销女包/男包等,天猫各行业标准中要求发布商品本身的实物图片的类目。



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