多图TP-LINK TL-WA854RE 300Mbps 2.4G 无线wifi扩展 桥接路由器_3C数码/玩具/动漫/模型/卡通_快乐DJ

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TP-LINK TL-WA854RE 300Mbps 2.4G 无线wifi扩展 桥接路由器

TP-LINK TL-WA854RE 300Mbps 2.4G 无线wifi扩展 桥接路由器

商品名称:TP-LINK TL-WA854RE 300Mbps 2.4G 无线wifi扩展 桥接路由器



店铺名称: 语过天明

旺旺: 语过天明


行业: 3C数码/玩具/动漫/模型/卡通

地址: 广东深圳


TP-LINK TL-WA854RE 300Mbps 2.4G 无线wifi扩展 桥接路由器   美版(宽压设计,两口)  



300Mbps Universal Wi-Fi Range Extender

  • Range Extender mode boosts wireless signal to previously unreachable or hard-to-wire areas flawlessly
  • Miniature size and wall-mounted design make it easy to deploy and move flexibly
  • Easily expand wireless coverage at a push of Range Extender button

What This Range Extender Does

TP-LINK's TL-WA854RE is designed to conveniently extend the coverage and improve the signal strength of an existing wireless network to eliminate "dead zones." With 300Mbps wireless N speeds, Range Extender button, miniature size and wall-mount design, extending a wireless network has never been easier.

300Mbps Range Extender

The TL-WA854RE is designed to conveniently extend the coverage and improve the signal strength of an existing wireless network to eliminate "dead zones," help users maintain an existing wireless network and vastly improve the network's coverage. With 300Mbps wireless 802.11n speeds, it is ideal for smooth HD video, music streaming and online gaming.


Flexible Deployment

The device's miniature size and wall-mounted design make it easy to deploy and move flexibly. What's more, the TL-WA854RE's profile function remembers previously paired wireless networks, meaning there is no need to reset the device when changing the paired router.


Plug and Play

With no new wires or cables, within range of their existing wireless network, users can easily extend wireless coverage at a push of the WPS button on their router followed by the Range Extender button on the TL-WA854RE or vice versa. An additional push of the pair button can quickly establish an encrypted connection with client devices.


Smart Signal Indicator Light

Five signal lights represent the current signal strength that TL-WA854RE receives from existing router, which can help to find the right location to place the range extender so that the TL-WA854RE can achieve the best possible range and performance of the network.

Universal Compatibility

Works seamlessly with all 802.11 n/g/b wireless devices. It is also compatible with the latest Windows 8 operating system. 

  • Range Extender mode boosts wireless signal to previously unreachable or hard-to-wire areas flawlessly
  • Miniature size and wall-mounted design make it easy to implement and move
  • Easily expand wireless coverage at a push of Range Extender button
  • Smart Signal Indicator Light help to find the right location to place the range extender
  • 300Mbps wireless data rates ideal for video streaming, online gaming and Internet calling
  • Supports domain name-based login (http://tplinkextender.net) for advanced management
  • Compatible with other 802.11n/g/b wireless devices
  • Advanced 64/128/152-bit WEP, WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK encryptions protect your network from security threats

Learn more about the TP-LINK TL-WA854RE




StandardsIEEE 802.11b/g/nFrequency Band2.412GHz - 2.4835GHzWireless Data RatesUp to 300MbpsSecurity64/128/152-bit WEP
WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSKWPA/WPA2WPA2Antenna2 x internalReceiving Sensitivity270M: -68dBm@10% PER
130M: -68dBm@10% PER
108M: -68dBm@10% PER
54M: -68dBm@10% PER
11M: -85dBm@8% PER
6M: -88dBm@10% PER
1M: -90dBm@8% PERButtonRE (Range Extender) Button, Reset ButtonPowerAbout 3W Power ConsumptionSystem RequirementsMicrosoft Windows 98SE, NT, 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7, 8, Mac OS, NetWare, UNIX or LinuxDimensions4.3" x 3.0" x 2.6"


FeaturesRange Extender mode boosts wireless signal to previously unreachable or hard-to-wire areas flawlessly

Miniature size and wall-mounted design make it easy to deploy and move flexibly

Easily expand wireless coverage at a push of Range Extender button

Smart Signal Indicator Light help to find the right location to place the range extender

300Mbps wireless data rates ideal for video streaming, online gaming and internet calling

Supports domain name-based login (http://tplinkextender.net) for advanced management

Compatible with other 802.11n/g/b wireless devices

Advanced 64/128/152-bit WEP, WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK encryptions protect your network from security threats


Operating Temperature0°C - 40°C (32°F - 104°F)Operating Humidity10% - 90%, Non-CondensingStorage Temperature-40 degree C~70 degree C (-40 degree F~158 degree F)Storage Humidity5%~90% non-condensing


Package Contents300Mbps Universal WiFi Range Extender TL-WA854RE
Resource CD
Quick Installation Guide

新疆巴音郭楞 ID563436 :

安徽池州 ID301924 :

四川资阳 ID207387 :





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